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Old Heath Art Exhibition

Part of the Colchester Schools Consortium Art Project 2023

On Wednesday 17th May we held an art exhibition featuring art work by all the classes inspired by the journeys of refugees.

We read stories in assemblies and in our classrooms about the different journeys that some people need to take to find a safe place to live. Through the books and our discussions, we tried to understand the difficulties and dangers and also how hard it must be to arrive and start again somewhere new.

This was the inspiration for our art work.

The photographs show many of our families enjoying the hard work and creativity of all the children and staff.






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  • Welcome to our New Website

    Published 30/08/22

    Welcome to our New Website. We hope you find everything you need. Our website is always a 'work in progress' as we move through the school year updating our learning, events and activities.

    As it is the start of the new academic this term is usually one where lots of policies are updated and then ratified by the Governing Body so these will be updated as the term progresses. 

    Please remember that a school website doesn't give you a full picture of a school, neither does an Ofsted report, they are only snapshots of life in our school. If you are looking for a school place for your child or children, whether for the start of their school career in Early Years or transferring into another year group please give us a call and make an appointment to visit.

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